You might not realize it, but your teeth and gums are some of the most essential parts of your body, as they are involved in chewing and digestion. Healthy teeth help you chew and taste the food you love, speak fluently, and have a proper facial structure, whereas strong gums help to hold the teeth in place and prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

However, sustaining this strength is not just a matter of oral hygiene; many factors, such as diet, habits, and dental check-ups, determine the health of your teeth and gums. Knowing how to build up these core structures of your mouth can help improve your dental health and smile.

Whether you are in the early stages of periodontal disease or just have poor oral hygiene, the help of a professional is invaluable. At Lasting Impressions Dental Spa in Encino, we offer professional and friendly service to help you attain the healthy smile you have always wanted. Contact us today to book an appointment to consult with our most experienced dentist.

An Overview of Why Oral Health is Important

Oral hygiene is not just about having a white smile but is integral to the body’s health. The mouth is the entry point to the body, and the condition of your teeth and gums may affect some systems, such as the digestive and cardiovascular systems. If your dental health is very poor, it could lead to other health complications, such as infections and diseases.

Healthy gums and strong teeth are the body’s shield against bacteria that can be easily ingested and cause various bodily issues. For example, gum disease has been linked to heart disease because the inflammation in the gums can cause inflammation in other areas of the body. Furthermore, cavities and periodontal diseases can cause tooth loss, which impacts the chewing, speaking, and even nutritional processes.

Caring for your teeth is more than just avoiding cavities or gum diseases; it is improving the quality of your life. Taking care of your teeth and gums will enhance your confidence, improve your physical health, and reduce your susceptibility to severe diseases. You must take care of your teeth now to reap the benefits far beyond their beauty.

How to Strengthen Your Gums and Teeth Naturally

Having a perfect smile with healthy and strong gums does not necessarily mean you must spend a lot of money on dental procedures. You can use several natural remedies in your daily routine to enhance the health state of your mouth. Thus, incorporating these practices into your daily routine will not only improve your oral health but also promote your general health. They include the following:

Avoid Snacking

Eating small meals throughout the day or consuming foods with high sugar or starch content puts your teeth under constant attack by acids. These acids are formed when bacteria in your mouth metabolize the sugars from snacks and ultimately cause tooth decay. One way of minimizing the effects of acid attacks is to reduce the number of snacks you take in a day and instead take healthier options such as fruits, vegetables, or nuts.

Avoid Stressing Over Things

Stress is one of the most underrated causes of oral health problems; however, it can have a significant influence. Stress causes habits such as grinding your teeth (bruxism) and clenching, which exert pressure on the teeth and lead to the wearing of the enamel and consequently, sensitivity.

Furthermore, stress negatively affects the immune system, so your body will be less capable of combating infections such as gum disease. The key to oral health is stress control, which can be achieved through relaxation, such as meditation, exercising, or walking in nature.

Incorporate Healthy Eating into Your Lifestyle

The kind of food you eat directly impacts the health of your teeth and gums. Eating vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and whole grains (the foods closest to their natural state) provides the nutrients your body needs to support healthy teeth and gums.

Calcium-rich foods, including dairy products, green leafy vegetables, and calcium-fortified foods, should be consumed often because they aid in strengthening the enamel. Raw vegetables and fruits with a crisp texture are also good for cleaning the teeth and massaging the gums for improved oral health.

Incorporating Vital Nutrients into Your Diet

Nutrition plays a crucial role in determining the health of teeth and gums. Some nutrients are vital in ensuring that teeth and gums remain strong and healthy all the time. Including these nutrients in your meals can help your oral health improve naturally. These vital nutrients include the following:

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for gums since it assists in the formation of collagen, a protein that strengthens gums. Vitamin C protects you against infections and has anti-inflammatory properties, which are instrumental in preventing gum diseases. Fruits such as oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, and vegetables such as bell peppers are rich in vitamin C and should be taken to help improve gum health.

  • Calcium

Calcium is one of the most essential minerals to date since it contributes to the hardness of teeth and bones. It assists in remineralizing the enamel, making teeth less prone to cavities. Eating foods rich in calcium, including dairy products, green leafy vegetables, and fortified plant-based products, is essential to maintaining healthy teeth.

  • Phosphorous

Phosphorus is a vital mineral that can work hand in hand with calcium in developing strong bones and teeth. It is also essential in the development of the enamel and is also involved in maintaining the shape of your teeth. Meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products contain phosphorus, which should be included in your diet for the health of your teeth.

  • Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are vital for strong teeth and gums. When you lack vitamin D, your body cannot properly metabolize the calcium you take, resulting in weaker teeth and higher chances of developing gum diseases. Foods rich in vitamin D include fatty fish, eggs, cheese, and foods fortified with vitamin D, such as cereals.

  • Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for promoting good saliva production, which helps wash food debris and bacteria from teeth. It also helps maintain the health of the mucous membrane and gums. Vitamin A foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, and green vegetables should be part of your diet and are essential in maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

  • Vitamin K

Vitamin K is involved in blood clotting, which is vital for healing an injured gum and maintaining the health of your gums. It also contributes to preventing bone deterioration, such as those that form the jaws of teeth. Spinach and kale are good examples of green leafy vegetables that are rich sources of vitamin K.

Say No to Grains in Your Diet

Even though grains are essential to most people’s diets, they can be dangerous to your teeth. Cereals, including refined ones like white bread and pasta, can become lodged between your teeth and broken down into sugars that fuel the wrong type of bacteria. This process may cause the formation of more plaque and tooth decay.

Also, some grains contain phytic acid that hinders the absorption of minerals essential in strengthening teeth, including calcium and magnesium. Therefore, by decreasing the consumption of refined grains and incorporating whole grains in the right measure, you can be in the proper position to protect your teeth and gums from degrading.

Eliminate Refined Sugars From Your Diet

Refined sugar is one of the leading causes of tooth decay and gum disease. When you consume products containing sugar, the germs in your mouth break down the sugar and release acids that damage tooth enamel.

In the long run, this results in cavities and the general weakening of the gums, which become prone to infections. Cutting down or avoiding refined sugar can significantly decrease your chances of developing these problems. You should, therefore, avoid using refined sugars and instead use natural sugars such as honey or fruits, which are less destructive to the teeth and gums.

Practising Regular Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient technique that has recently been revived for its possible positive effects on oral health. The process entails gargling a tablespoon of edible oil, usually coconut or sesame oil, in the mouth for at least 15-20 minutes before you can spit out the oil. This procedure kills off a significant amount of bacteria in the mouth, thus preventing cavities and gum disease. It leaves your mouth feeling fresh and your gums healthier.

Staying Hydrated

Drinking water is one of the easiest steps to ensure healthy and strong teeth and gums. Saliva production requires water, which is very important for oral health. Saliva is crucial in rinsing and cleaning the mouth of food particles and bacteria.

It also acts as a buffer for the acids in the mouth, which helps prevent cavities and gingivitis. Saliva also helps transport various minerals to your teeth. It is important to note that drinking water reduces the chances of having a dry mouth, which is characterized by high risks of plaque formation and cavities. Drinking water often helps to flush out substances and bacteria that can harm teeth and gums in ways that are inherent in your body.

Practising and Maintaining Good Dental Hygiene

Proper mouth care is the key to healthy and strong teeth and gums. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride-free toothpaste is also effective in preventing the buildup of plaque and bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum diseases.

You should use a soft-bristle toothbrush and brush your teeth in a circular motion to prevent wearing out the enamel or inflaming your gums. You should also practice flossing, which should be done daily to remove the plaque and food debris trapped between your teeth and the gum line since your brush cannot reach these areas.

Cleaning Your Tongue Regularly

The tongue also contains germs that cause bad breath, plaque, and gingivitis. Tongue scraping is essential because it helps minimize the amount of bacteria found in the mouth, thus enhancing the production of fresh breath and improving dental health.

Clean your tongue from the back to the front with a scraper or toothbrush to remove accumulated bacteria and food particles. This simple step can be taken daily and incorporated into your oral hygiene routine to improve the health of the teeth and gums.

Using Flouride-Free Toothpaste

Fluoride is a popular ingredient in toothpaste and helps prevent cavities; however, people avoid it because they believe they can get too much of it, harming their health. Using water that does not contain fluoride for rinsing is also a great option as long as it is used alongside other good oral hygiene practices.

Some toothpaste options include natural products such as baking soda, coconut oil, and essential oils that help remove plaque, improve breath, and maintain gums without fluoride. Selecting a non-fluoride toothpaste can also help keep a toxin-free mouth and oral cavity.

Visiting an Experienced Dentist Regularly

Dental check-ups are necessary to keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong. However, despite the most diligent oral care, some places in your mouth are challenging to reach. Professional cleaning can scrape off tartar, a hard substance that cannot be removed by brushing or flossing.

An experienced dentist can diagnose and address problems such as plaque, tooth decay, and signs of gingivitis before they worsen. By going for dental check-ups at least once every six months, any complications that may be present are detected early, thus maintaining good oral health.

Find a Los Angeles Dentist Near Me

Healthy gums and strong teeth can be achieved when you practice proper oral hygiene, eat a balanced diet, and see a dentist as often as necessary. Even if you use natural products to practice oral hygiene, seeking professional advice to enhance your dental and gum health is always advisable.

If you are experiencing gum disease or tooth decay or want to enhance your dental health, you must seek the services of a professional dentist. At Lasting Impressions Dental Spa in Encino, Los Angeles, the treatment you will receive is unique and catered to your needs. You can rely on our highly trained specialists to help you obtain the smile you have always wanted. Contact us today at 818-751-5100 to schedule your consultation.