In our office, we employ the best crowns possible. The chain is only as strong as the weakest link. Our impression materials (mold-taking materials) are the best in the market and take impressions with virtually no degree of error. This is important because if a cheap impression material is used, the lab will not have a great mold to work with to make a perfect crown for that tooth. The lab has to be very carefully selected so they use only the best materials to make perfect crowns that fit the tooth perfectly. If a crown is not made to fit a tooth perfectly, it will have micro-leakage, will eventually have decay under it, and can even turn into a root canal if it is not monitored. We take pride in taking perfect impressions that lead to perfectly fitting crowns.
All porcelain crowns are used in most applications. We have a variety of full porcelain crowns. We fabricate Full E-max crowns (most durable for esthetic zone) perfect for patients who are grinders at night in the esthetic zone, Lava crowns (A hard Zirconia base, harder than metals, with traditional layered porcelain on top) which are perfect for molars and premolars, and Full Zirconia crowns (BruxZir) for patients who are severe grinders (Bruxism patients). Unless a situation occurs in which it is the patient’s best interest to have a crown that is porcelain on the outside and gold on the inside (no gold is visible), we would recommend these crowns. This could occur if a patient experiences a lot of bone loss or recession, then a full porcelain crown is not the best because it cannot be cleaned well.
Call (818) 751-5100