Irregular and unhygienic dental habits can gradually lead to a condition where you might develop pain or infections within your teeth. A stage might come, when your dentist may be left with no option, but to prescribe a root canal treatment.
As painful as it sounds, every treatment at Lasting Impressions Dental Spa is carried out in the most ergonomic and painless manner as is practically feasible. The one thing that remains sure is the fact that an infected or decaying tooth will undoubtedly require a root canal treatment to eradicate the pulp and infection from within the roots of the tooth.
Let us know more about root canals and the ensuing treatment.

Which dental conditions require a root canal treatment?
As is common knowledge, the bulk of the tooth is composed of dentin, which is covered with a layer of enamel. Within the dentin, a soft layer of tissue known as the pulp is situated. It is here that a probable infection can incept such as in the case of an inflammation. Such swelling could be caused due to decaying tooth, dental fillings, and cracks in the tooth, accidents and more. Furthermore, any form of pain, cavity or other dental issue within a tooth could warrant a condition where a root canal treatment might prove to be a relief.
A root canal treatment would be suggested by our dentists in case they discover some form of infection or possible signs of a future infection inside a tooth, which could give rise to further dental issues. You could experience unreasonable pains, discomfort and swelling around the infected tooth, which could be signs that something within the tooth is extremely wrong. Moreover, the presence of a deep cavity inside a tooth can give way to bacteria to access the nerve bundle at the core of the tooth, which is responsible for the nourishment of the tooth and its structure. Ultimately, upon determining if the infected nerves would be able to recover naturally or not and whether the infection is still present within the tooth or not, Dr. Isaac Kashani, our head dental surgeon, along with his team of professionals in dental field, will be able to recommend a root canal treatment.
In our experience, running away from a treatment, merely because it sounds painful, will only cost you your peace of mind and convenience in the long run. In some cases, such negligence might also be responsible for aggravating the condition further. This is why, our advice would always be to get in touch with your dentist at the earliest, at the first signs of pain and discomfort in any tooth.
Is a root canal treatment safe?
If you are still reading and relying upon age old studies and research material about dental treatments, you will never be able to make up your mind about undergoing a dental root canal. Over the years, many baseless theories have vividly suggested that root canal treatments, among others, are not safe and pose a threat to dental health. However, we would gladly like to enlighten you with the truth that such theories are baseless and hardly rest upon any scientific backing.
The fact remains that the American Dental Association, regularly reviews and updates allowed dental practices as per the acceptable norms and guidelines that have been built up over the years after careful speculation. With the robust improvement in technology each day, we have even been able to come up with improved methods of administering root canal treatments and utilize sophisticated machinery for the same.
At Lasting Impressions Dental Spa you will get the best and most comfortable dental treatment for your teeth that will let you get rid of any pain and trouble in your teeth.
How do we deliver a full proof root canal treatment to our patients?
We understand that when you arrive at Lasting Impressions Dental Spa for a query regarding root canal treatment, you are expecting nothing less than the best treatment for your teeth from us. We highly appreciate your decision to consider us for such dental treatment and dearly strive to stand up to your expectations. For this reason, we have designed our services in a manner that ensures satisfactory delivery of root canal service to our patients on a timely and affordable basis.
At Lasting Impressions Dental Spa, you can choose from a number of available payment options to settle the dues for undergoing a root canal treatment. We have very systematic and flexible payment options for your convenience so that you can pay for the service without any trouble. Also, we accept most of the major insurance plans as payment for the services.
As far as root canal treatments are concerned, we follow a very strict and reasonable procedure to determine when our patients need the treatment and how exactly would we be administering the treatment in each case. In a normal instance, one of our experienced and professionally trained dental surgeons would examine the patient, who requires the root canal treatment and lay down his observations in documentary format. He would also pay attention to any past dental history or other health conditions which might be useful in determining the viability of the treatment. Next, the entire documentation will be assessed by a team of dental surgeons, who would suggest their opinions and evaluate the best course of action in the case of the patient. Such treatment evaluation will also include consideration about recoverability of the tooth and possible medications that might be needed post treatment. Lastly, our team of experts will make an evaluation about the possible outcomes of the root canal treatment and the possible alternative prognosis during the treatment, which might be best suited for the patient, such that he suffers minimal pain and discomfort.
Is a root canal treatment painful for the teeth?
In plain terms, as much intrusion with the teeth as a root canal treatment might involve, it is easy to believe that the treatment is highly painful and intolerable. However, once you take a look at the equipment and methods that we make use of, in the modern day to carry out a root canal treatment, you will be stunned at the advancement that we have made in the field of technology and dental treatments. Modern day anesthetics are designed to relieve a patient by causing as little pain as is possible, while the treatment is being administered.
As soon as you would visit us at Lasting Impressions Dental Spa and complain about a toothache, our experts would make a quick examination and remove any damaged tissues from the roots of your teeth that might be causing the pain. Also, you can seek assistance from our dental experts as they are highly trained in counselling patients in cases where they are feeling dental discomfort. We are sure that you will be able to seek relief from them in no time.
Is it better to undergo a root canal treatment or simply to have a tooth removed in its entirety?
For patients who require a root canal treatment, we have often come across suggestions and queries, asking us to get rid of the tooth which is infected or damaged, so that the problem is eradicated at the root level. It is sad to know that such false misconceptions are making the rounds among people these days, where they are hoping to get rid of their natural teeth, simply to get rid of a dental problem.
When it comes to dental problems, always remember that as far as possible, you must try to save your natural teeth. The reason for this is quite simple. The shape, structure and appearance of a natural tooth can never be replicated exactly with an artificial tooth. No matter how professionally a dentist might administer a treatment for replacing a tooth, you will never be as satisfied with it as having your original tooth.
Nowadays, root canal treatments are quite long lasting and also require just a few sittings with the dentist to complete. However, completely taking off a tooth and then replacing it with another might not only cost you a lot many extra bucks but also need more time and sittings from you. Thus, from every point of view, a root canal treatment proves to be an ergonomic dental treatment, in comparison to most other treatments.
Why should you choose Lasting Impressions Dental Spa for a root canal treatment?
If you are thinking about going under the needle to get your tooth fixed, we would urge you to come and visit us once, and give us a chance to display our authentic and reliable dental services to you. With years of experience in the field, we feel confident about our ability to serve you better and quicker. So, if you are looking for a dentist in Encino and neighboring areas for a root canal treatment, come and visit us for a highly satisfactory dental treatment experience.
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