How many of us spend a considerable time of our day, pondering how we can improve our appearance and appear attractive? Believe it or not, our appearance plays a major role in shaping one’s perception about our personality. If you have a blameless appearance, you can feel a boost in your confidence levels. This is just one of the reasons why you should be looking after your teeth and if there is anything that is wrong with them, seek advice and treatment from the expert, such as Lasting Impressions Dental Spa.
One of the most dramatic yet effective dental treatment which is being prescribed and opted by patients these days, is porcelain veneers and simple veneers. Gone are the days when people were forced to adjust with their teeth, given the lack of available treatments. The scene has altered completely in the present day though. With no paucity of expert dental specialists and availability of highly specialized dental clinics such as Lasting Impressions Dental Spa, people are more confident and willing to visit the dreaded dental surgeon and get their teeth fixed. Now, there is no need for you to hide your teeth behind your hands when you smile gleefully, for expert surgeons and dental specialists at Lasting Impressions Dental Spa have got the perfect solution for you – porcelain veneers. We are giving you the perfect reason to rejoice right now, as you can get your teeth fixed and treated with us, any time you like. Read on to find out how our treatment with porcelain veneers can help you out and let you lead a confident life!
Knowing more about porcelain veneers
If you have been wondering so far as to what a treatment with porcelain veneers is, we can help you understand everything there is to understand about the treatment and also guide you whether you should be going for it. Veneers and porcelain veneers are one way to improve your smile and the appearance of your teeth. Also known as dental bonding, veneers can be used to fix cavities and broken teeth. Veneers can also be employed for enhancing the usual look of teeth so that they appear more healthy and youthful. Veneers are bonded to the surface of the teeth, which can change the colour, angle, shape and spacing of the teeth of the patient. No matter what the issue with your teeth is, Lasting Impressions Dental Spa can help you fix it. We have so far helped many patients with broken, discolored, chipped, cracked and spaced teeth. We believe that our cosmetic porcelain veneer treatment can help you boast a perfect smile, unhindered by any dental flaws.
Many patients who come to us for a porcelain veneer treatment, ask us what a veneer really is. Veneers can be described as very thin shells that can be attached to the frontal area of a tooth. Most commonly, veneers are crafted out of porcelain or composite resin. As compared to composite resin, porcelain veneers are usually considered to be stronger and more durable. One of the factors why porcelain veneers are preferred is the fact that they do not stain or undergo change in color over a period of time. However, if we compare the length of the procedure involved in the two, porcelain veneers usually take up to two visits at Lasting Impressions Dental Spa, so that we can fix them and complete the procedure properly, while composite resin veneers can be completed in a single sitting itself. However, the fact remains that porcelain veneers last longer than composite veneers, which is why our dental experts will suggest you to go for it. As always, we would recommend that you come in at Lasting Impressions Dental Spa for a pre-assessment of the teeth so that we can be completely sure about the success of the treatment in your individual case.
How do we begin a veneers treatment?
- Digital imaging
- Whitening teeth and selecting a color
- Set the gums/gingival stage for veneers if they are uneven.
- Lab made wax-up presentation
- Prepare teeth for veneers, If needed
- Deliver veneers
After conducting an assessment of your teeth, our team of dental experts and specialists will address all your concerns and questions about the treatment. Through digital imaging and videos, they will be able to explain to you how the treatment would develop and what results can be expected. Together, they will also determine the right design of the veneers that will go best with your teeth. Using advanced computer software and images, along with a lab made wax up presentation we will be able to show you exactly how your teeth will appear post treatment. Using these images, we will send the designs across to our lab, where your individual veneers will be crafted. One of the most important thing while giving a veneers treatment is to remove a thin layer of enamel from the teeth on which the treatment is to be conducted. This helps in ensuring that the veneers fit perfectly around the teeth and do not feel bulky once the bonding process is complete. We aim to give you a more than natural look when providing this treatment, so that you can feel comfortable and happy after the treatment is completed. This treatment is quite simple and painless as compared to other dental treatments. In fact, a patient can come to his normal dental routine in less than two days, once the treatment is finalized at our end. Who knew that getting veneers could be so easy!
Are veneers right for you?
As attractive as the treatment sounds, the sad truth about dental veneers is that it is not suitable for every patient. Candidates may not be fit to receive a treatment with veneers in case the tooth in question is decaying or is undergoing gum disease. In such case, the first course of action would be to treat the decaying teeth. Also, in cases where teeth have very little enamel left, or of a major portion of the tooth is missing, we would advise you to go for another treatment. Another reason why we would ask you to go for a treatment other than veneers is if you have a constant habit of chewing or clenching your teeth. This would only make the porcelain veneer to break eventually.
What is the dental hygiene routine that ought to be followed after the treatment?
Accurate and religious dental care is a must after undergoing any dental treatment. This ensures longevity of the treated teeth and removes any obstacles in the path of healthy and hygienic teeth. As usual, one ought to brush and clean their teeth on a regular basis, even while their veneers are on. Make sure that you visit your dentist from time to time, so that he can certify that the veneers are properly placed. In cases when this does not happen, there are chances of cavity formation on the tooth. One needs to understand that once a treatment with veneers has been performed, it cannot be undone, as your dentist will be removing a part of the tooth enamel to place the veneer on your tooth. In cases when a veneer falls apart or undergoes cavity formation, the treatment will need to be performed again or will have to be replaced with another treatment. Care must be taken while eating food and chewing lumps of food to avoid breaking the porcelain veneers. One of the most important factors about a veneers treatment is insurance. In most of the cases, insurance policies do not cover the cost of cosmetic dental treatments.
The cost of a veneers treatment largely depends on the number of teeth on which you wish to undergo the treatment. We suggest that you visit our team before hand and discuss the fee beforehand so that you can decide if you can go for the treatment.
Empanelled on our team of dental experts is Dr. Isaac Kashani who, along with some other very eminent and practiced dental experts, is proficient at handling cases of veneers and porcelain veneers. He provides very friendly and professional advice when it comes to cosmetic dental treatments, guiding his patients very well about what is best for them. When you are at Lasting Impressions Dental Spa, there is nothing that you need to worry about, as our team of dental experts and staff will take care of you like a family. We can also help you discuss some financing options for the treatment, so that you can go light on the pocket while also showing off your healthy and clean teeth.
Got any questions about your teeth? Get in touch with us right away or book an appointment to get in touch with one of our dental experts and get a complete examination of your teeth done at Lasting Impressions Dental Spa. We are a holistic and well equipped dental clinic in Encino and receive excellent testimony from all our patients for the treatment that we offer to them. Do you also want to change the way your teeth appear? Get a quote for cosmetic dental treatment right away, only at Lasting Impressions Dental Spa.
Here are what actual patients are saying about veneers from Lasting Impression Dental Spa.
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