The oral cavity has many parts, including teeth, gums, tongue, cheeks, and jaws. These parts work together to help you swallow, speak, and chew properly. If any of these parts are damaged, it can affect how well your mouth works. When you have significant tooth damage, alignment issues, or decay, your dentist can recommend a full-mouth reconstruction.

Full-mouth reconstructions combine several dental treatments to improve teeth' health, function, and physical appearance. Sometimes called full-mouth restoration, they are designed to help you restore your beautiful, natural-looking smile.

What are Full-Mouth Reconstructions?

A full-mouth reconstruction is a combination of dental treatments addressing major oral cavity imperfections. Where a single treatment is not enough to solve all your dental problems, a full-mouth reconstruction can handle several issues simultaneously and restore your mouth’s complete function. These procedures can replace missing teeth, fix issues with the jawbones, treat oral diseases, repair worn-down teeth, and fix broken dental work like crowns or fillings.

Full-mouth reconstruction involves restorative or general dentists performing procedures like crowns and bridges. The procedure can also incorporate specialists like orthodontists and oral surgeons who specialize in tooth positions and movements and periodontists who address issues affecting the gum

Each treatment is customized to meet your needs, ensuring your mouth feels and looks beautiful and natural.

Benefits of Full Mouth Reconstruction

The advantages of full mouth reconstructions can vary depending on what each patient needs. Here are some common benefits of full mouth reconstructions:

Enhance Your Smile

A full mouth restoration can fix various cosmetic problems. This can include the following:

  • Replacing missing teeth caused by periodontal disease.

  • Fixing damaged teeth.

  • Addressing issues from periodontal diseases, such as gum recession or discoloration.

A full mouth reconstruction plan is different from a smile makeover. Although both improve your appearance, full mouth restoration focuses on oral health issues, while a smile makeover mainly addresses cosmetic concerns.

Fixes Functional Problems

Chewing can become challenging if you have damaged or lost several teeth. You might find yourself sticking to soft foods or avoiding certain areas of your mouth. Full mouth restoration can fix these problems, which allows you to chew more comfortably and enjoy a wider range of foods.

Treats and Reverses the Periodontal Disease Symptoms

Periodontal disease is a common issue addressed in full mouth reconstruction. When this disease advances to a more serious stage called periodontitis, it can lead to problems like jawbone loss, gum discoloration, gum recession, and deep pockets in the gums that may threaten tooth loss. Managing and treating periodontal disease effectively is often a key part of full mouth reconstruction.

Improve Your Teeth’s Health and Appearance

Full mouth reconstruction can significantly improve your teeth' health and physical appearance. Many people feel discouraged when they lose several teeth or have severe damage. However, even if all your teeth are missing or cannot be saved, this procedure can fully restore your teeth, giving you a natural and healthy smile.

What to Expect From a Full Mouth Restoration Procedure

A full mouth restoration procedure is different for each patient.

The process begins with a thorough dental exam. This usually means taking digital images or X-rays to check for decay or infections. During your consultation, your dentist will explain their findings and suggest ways to address them. You will have several treatment options for each problem, and your dentist will help you choose the most suitable ones based on what you need and what fits your budget.

If you have major health issues, such as tooth decay, loss of jawbone, or gum disease, you must resolve them before starting any restorative work. These treatments will be part of your overall reconstruction plan.

A full mouth reconstruction usually begins with a thorough cleaning. The dentist will fix any cavities, treat gum infections, or handle inflammation to ensure your mouth is in good shape for the restoration. Depending on the extent of the damage, the treatments might include fluoride applications, fillings, deep cleaning, root canals, or sometimes tooth extractions.

Procedures Involved in Full Mouth Reconstructions

After the initial preparation is done, the next steps could include:

  • A Dental Examination

During your first visit, your dentist will carefully examine your teeth and overall oral health, including taking X-rays and digital scans. Based on the examination report, they will recommend the most suitable treatments to enhance the appearance and function of the teeth.

  • Braces and Invisalign

For teeth that are healthy but not appropriately aligned, braces might be recommended as part of a full-mouth makeover. This treatment works best if most of your natural teeth are intact. Braces can be the first step in a makeover, including veneers and other cosmetic treatments.

Traditional braces can be quite noticeable and may take up to 2 years to straighten teeth. Many dentists now use Invisalign, a set of clear, removable aligners that can straighten teeth in 12 to 18 months or sometimes less.

  • Dental Implants

Dental implants could be a good choice if your smile needs a full restoration due to missing or severely damaged teeth. Implants have improved a lot over time and have a high success rate. They appear natural and can last for many years.

The dental implant process happens in three stages: first, the post is inserted, then the abutment is attached, and finally, the crown is placed. These stages are spaced out for proper healing, so the whole process takes 6 to 9 months. You will likely have a temporary denture to keep your smile looking nice during this time.

  • Sinus Lifts and Bone Grafts

If your jawbone is damaged, an oral surgeon can help improve your facial appearance and bone strength using a bone graft or sinus lift. A bone graft involves adding extra bone material—usually from an animal, a donor, or your own body—into the jaw. Over time, this new bone merges with your existing bone, creating a solid base. A sinus lift is similar but is used for the upper jaw’s maxillary sinus.

Bone grafts are often used alongside dental implants. If your jaw does not have enough bone density to support dental implants, a bone graft is done first. Since bone grafts are very successful, they are an ideal option for many people who would not otherwise qualify for implants.

  • Dental Bridges

This set of crowns is connected to fill in gaps where teeth are missing. A dental bridge can fill a gap if you miss a tooth between two healthy ones. The bridge includes a false tooth (called a pontic) attached to crowns on the adjacent teeth. These crowns cover the healthy teeth, and the pontic fills the gap.

Bridges are often made from porcelain, which is strong, stain-resistant, and looks natural. Many dentists prefer this material.

  • Dental Crowns

If your teeth are damaged but still strong, you might benefit from dental crowns. These are usually made of porcelain and fit over your existing teeth like a cap. Crowns help restore the shape and appearance of your teeth while providing structural support.

A dental crown might be an ideal option if your tooth is cracked but still rooted. If there is decay, it will need to be treated before placing the crown. On the other hand, if the tooth’s root is badly damaged, the dentist might suggest removing the tooth and using a bridge or implant instead.

  • Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers improve the physical appearance of healthy teeth with cosmetic issues. A veneer is a thin porcelain shell placed over the front of a tooth. It matches the color and shape of your other teeth and can cover dental problems like discoloration, misalignment, or misshaping.

In a full-mouth reconstruction, veneers are often the last step. After fixing any functional issues, your dentist can enhance your smile by addressing any remaining cosmetic concerns. Veneers are ideal for hiding significant flaws, and if made from high-quality porcelain and applied by a skilled dentist, they can last up to 15 or 20 years before needing replacement.

  • Porcelain Inlays and Onlays

Porcelain inlays and onlays are a high-quality, attractive alternative to traditional fillings. If you have cavities that need to be filled or if your natural teeth need some repair, inlays and onlays might be a good option.

They work like traditional fillings but look more like natural tooth enamel. This means there are no noticeable color changes or gaps because the porcelain blends perfectly with your existing teeth.

How Long Does a Full Mouth Reconstruction Procedure Take?

The time needed for a full-mouth reconstruction can vary based on the damage and the operations required. Generally, a skilled dentist and oral surgeon can complete the process within 1 to 3 years.

For dental implants, expect the entire process to take six months to a year. The implant posts are initially placed and need up to 6 months to heal. Next, abutments are added, which require a few more weeks to heal. Finally, crowns are placed. If you need a bone graft or sinus lift, this can add another 3 to 4 months. During this time, you will have a temporary denture to maintain your smile while the work progresses.

If braces or Invisalign are part of your treatment, straightening your teeth usually takes 1 to 2 years. Invisalign is less noticeable because the aligners are clear.

Minor procedures like crowns, bridges, and veneers can often be completed in a few weeks. After a short wait for the lab to create your custom restorations, these treatments usually need only 2 to 3 dental appointments.

What to Expect from a Full Mouth Reconstruction Procedure and Recovery

Full mouth reconstruction plans vary, but most require several appointments. Procedures like crowns, veneers, and implants typically take a few days. Sedation can keep you comfortable and help with more complex procedures.

You might need pain medication to ease any discomfort after the procedures. Although some major procedures may require a day or two of recovery time, you can usually return to normal activities, including work. If your gums are sore or swollen, you may need to stick to softer foods.

Results from a full mouth reconstruction are generally long-lasting. Crowns, fillings, dental bridges, and veneers may need replacement every 10 to 20 years to keep them functional and looking good.

Ideal Candidates for Full Mouth Reconstructions

You might need a full mouth reconstruction if you have:

  1. Long-term poor oral hygiene that has severely damaged your teeth and gums.

  2. Had a serious accident that caused extensive damage or loss of teeth.

  3. Advanced periodontal disease that is threatening the stability of your teeth.

  4. Genetic conditions that make your teeth more prone to decay and infection.

  5. A misaligned bite.

  6. Bone issues affecting your teeth.

  7. Severe oral pain.

  8. Bruxism or teeth damaged by tooth grinding.

It is normal to feel embarrassed about needing a full-mouth reconstruction. However, a professional dentist can help you with dental care and respect. Once your smile is fully restored, you will likely feel much better.

Qualities of a Good Dentist for Full Mouth Reconstruction

A full-mouth reconstruction is a detailed and complex process that needs expert care. When choosing a dentist, look for someone who:

  • Has experience with full-mouth reconstructions and the various procedures involved or works with specialists like oral surgeons and periodontists.

  • It has a strong reputation with great reviews and testimonials.

  • Understands your worries and can help address any fears, perhaps with options like sedation dentistry.

  • Provides flexible financing options to help with the cost of treatment.

Today’s advanced techniques and technologies can achieve remarkable results. If you have been putting off your full-mouth reconstruction, now is a great time to have the smile you have always wanted.

Find an Encino Full Mouth Reconstruction Dentist Near Me

At Lasting Impressions Dental Spa, we offering patients quality full mouth reconstruction services for healthy, attractive teeth and gums. The sooner you address dental issues, the easier it is to fix them. If you or a loved one needs a full-mouth reconstruction, our team in Encino will assess your needs and suggest the ideal treatments. To book an appointment with our experienced professionals, call us at 818-751-5100.