The most common question a new parent has for the dentist is, “When should I take my new baby to the dentist?” Guidelines say as early as six months, even though the baby may not have any teeth, just to get the baby acquainted. The latest should be no later than the baby’s first tooth eruption. Prevention is key! Regular cleanings and Sealants are some of the best things that can be done to prevent cavities.
Pediatric dentistry requires a lot of patience from a doctor. Well versed in treating children, Dr. Isaac Kahen Kashani knows how to connect with them. For many years Dr. Isaac Kahen Kashani dedicated one day a week to treating children in under-served areas, where in just one day, the average number of patients was 100. In this short time frame, Dr. Isaac Kahen Kashani completed over 50 fillings, 50 extractions, and 15 baby root canals on those patients.
We offer porcelain crowns for pediatrics as opposed to silver crowns other doctors place. We also offer baby dentures for patients who have had several teeth extracted. We also make metal free space maintainers.
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