Lasting Impression Dental Spa Blog for Our Encino Dentist

Removable Partial Dentures

Removable Partial Dentures

People often lose teeth because of decay or injury. Lost teeth can lead to a lack of confidence and discomfort. It can also make chewing food harder and affect your overall health. Luckily, removable partial dentures can help with this problem. They are an ideal option to replace missing or damaged teeth. Partial dentures resemble your natural teeth, helping to restore your facial shape and improve your smile while supporting good dental...

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Avoid Side Effects: The Top Teeth Whitening Mistakes

Avoid Side Effects: The Top Teeth Whitening Mistakes

Your teeth give the first impression as people notice you smile first. Therefore, when you discover that you are self-conscious of your smile and are too shy to speak or laugh in public, it means they are stained or yellowish. Do not be afraid because many people suffer from the same problem. Thankfully, teeth whitening can help correct the flaws in your teeth, giving you a pearly white smile. There are several bleaching or whitening...

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Do You Have Sleep Apnea? Here’s How to Know

Do You Have Sleep Apnea? Here’s How to Know

Sleep apnea is a disorder mainly characterized by unusual breathing patterns while sleeping. Individuals suffering from sleep repeatedly experience pauses or reductions in their breathing for short intervals while sleeping. However, these pauses can cause an individual to awaken periodically and lower sleep quality. Sleepers might not fully awake and remain unaware that their nighttime breathing is abnormal. Sleep apnea symptoms include...

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Should You Pull a Loose Tooth?

Should You Pull a Loose Tooth?

Having a loose tooth or teeth is cause for concern, except when they are milk teeth paving the way for the permanent teeth about to sprout. Loose teeth often start with a minor wiggle. Usually, children push a loose tooth using their tongue or finger so it loosens more. Nonetheless, teeth sometimes stay put even if they are loose. This is thanks to the solid root structure supporting them. In this case, the question becomes whether pulling out...

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Lasting Impressions Dental Spa is a singular experience in itself that will come to alter the way people manifest dental treatments. For us, your dental health is not a means to earn profits or dupe you of your money but to ensure that you do not face an issue with your teeth in the foreseeable future. Our doors are always open to anyone in Encino and surrounding localities, who needs dental advice and treatment.

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