Lasting Impression Dental Spa Blog for Our Encino Dentist


Happy national chocolate parfait day!

While you’re frying up some eggs and bacon, we’re cooking up something else: a way to celebrate today’s food holiday. A parfait way to begin May, May 1 is National Chocolate Parfait Day! Depending on how you parfait, you can spend this perfect day celebrating one or two wonderful ways. Because parfait literally means “perfect” in French, you’ll be sure to enjoy this dessert in at least one of its forms. In 1894, parfait began to describe a...

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Dental Insurance vs. Cash

Dental insurance seems like a good idea, but as personal finance blog Smart Money points out, most plans cover very little. Dr. Isaac Kahen Kashani is an Encino Dentist that looks out for patients that have no dental insurance at all. By offering exceptional dentistry at fair prices, uninsured patients can get the treatments they need for less than a traditional copay. Smart Money notes that payouts on most plans are between $1,000 and...

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Braces vs Invisalign

If you are considering braces vs Invisalign to straighten your teeth, or your kid’s teeth, you may have lots of questions. Which is more effective? Which is more affordable? Ultimately, you want to choose the treatment that will do the job, even it it’s slightly more expensive. In the long run, you don’t want to have to fix your teeth again! So are braces or Invisalign the better choice for you or your kid? Braces vs Invisalign: Getting...

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Teeth Whitening

We have all done it. Looked in the mirror and thought…”ugh my teeth are not as white as they used to be.” Trust me you’re not alone. Millions of people suffer from teeth discoloration to varying degrees. Even when brushing, flossing, and regular visits to dentist take place you may find that food, environmental factors, as well as time will eventually take their toll on the natural white color your teeth once held. Choices, choices, choices....

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Lasting Impressions Dental Spa is a singular experience in itself that will come to alter the way people manifest dental treatments. For us, your dental health is not a means to earn profits or dupe you of your money but to ensure that you do not face an issue with your teeth in the foreseeable future. Our doors are always open to anyone in Encino and surrounding localities, who needs dental advice and treatment.

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