People notice your smile first when interacting. Sadly, many health or genetic problems can interfere with proper tooth alignment, leaving you conscious of your smile. One of these problems is crooked teeth. They occur because of crowding teeth that cause permanent teeth to grow out of line. The oral concern is common among patients with small jawbones that are insufficient to accommodate all teeth in the mouth.

Previously, dentists used conventional orthodontic procedures like metal braces to align crooked teeth. However, the pain and discomfort associated with braces have discouraged many people from considering the treatment, leading to the birth of Invisalign. Invisalign or clear aligners are unique and attractive and fix all the problems associated with braces. If you have heard of Invisalign, you want to know if it can fix your crooked teeth problem so that you do not have to wear braces. To understand if Invisalign is suitable for your oral problem, you should understand the procedure, its benefits, and candidacy.

Invisalign Overview

Invisalign is an innovative and advanced orthodontic procedure that straightens teeth in the mouth cavity. Orthodontists recommend the treatment when teeth are disproportionate on the gum line and need gradual movement to shift them to their rightful position.

Removable aligners to fix bite issues and crooked teeth are not new. The concept of Invisalign first came to birth in the 1940s and was later revised in the 1970s. During that time, the system relied on several dental impressions to establish the appropriate position for a crooked or misaligned tooth. However, after updates over the years, the treatment only requires a set of molds or impressions and images of your teeth from the first consultation.

A dental lab technician then uses the molds to create a 3D projection of the incremental shifting of teeth to the desired position. The projection is then used to develop a series of clear aligners to help gradually move the teeth to the projected position. You will wear each set of aligners for two weeks, after which you will return to the orthodontist for a new set. Align Technologies manufactures Invisalign, and your dentist’s role is to dispense them. Therefore, after fabrication, the company sends the sets to your orthodontist, who then decides on the best way of dispensation.

Each set moves the teeth about 0.25 to 0.33 millimeters towards the desired position. However, to achieve the results, you must wear the aligners for at least twenty-two hours a day. Even if the appliances are removable, only remove them when exacting, drinking particular beverages, or brushing and flossing.

Every set you receive from the dentist is intended to shift teeth further from the initial position. Therefore, before the crooked teeth can move to the desired position, you will require between twenty and thirty aligners. Depending on your unique needs, the treatment will last six to eighteen months.

Invisalign Candidacy

If you are an adult or teenager whose permanent teeth are fully erupted, you are eligible for aligners. Invisalign has proven to be highly effective in fixing various misaligned tooth adaptations, including crooked teeth. Usually, conditions addressed by the treatment are caused by genetic predispositions that manifest through the mouth cavity. Invisible aligners address these orthodontic concerns by gradually moving teeth to their correct position using controlled force. The treatment treats crooked teeth the same way it addresses other dental problems. Genetic conditions, inappropriate teeth eruption, or harmful oral habits like thumbing cause crooked teeth. Invisalign corrects these conditions and others like:

Overcrowded Teeth

When you have a smaller jawbone, you risk developing the issue of teeth overcrowding because all the teeth will not fit comfortably. Overcrowding results in many oral issues because observing proper oral hygiene becomes problematic. Even when you brush and floss the teeth, many food particles and bacteria remain trapped in the spaces the brush cannot reach, resulting in infections, gum disease, and tooth cavities. With clear aligners, your orthodontist can move the teeth to the correct position, eliminating the tight spaces caused by overcrowding. This eliminates room for bacteria growth, preventing many oral concerns.

Overbite or Overjet

You are also a candidate for Invisalign if you suffer from an overbite, which is when the upper anterior teeth bite over the lower anterior teeth because of their large size. An overjet stems from subconscious human habits like pushing the tongue against the anterior incisors with the mouth closed. A consistent force on these teeth by the tongue pushes them outwards, causing them to overlap over the lower teeth, leading to pain in the jawbone. A prolonged overbite can interfere with your facial structure, causing you to appear older than your actual age. Besides, with the teeth pushing forward, it can be challenging to close your mouth, which affects your daily life. Thankfully, clear aligners can fix the problem.


An underbite is the opposite manifestation of an overjet, as the lower anterior teeth overlap or intersect the upper anterior teeth. Underbites are painful as the upper teeth crash with the lower jaw teeth and could lead to chipping and breaking, making Invisalign treatment necessary to prevent these additional oral problems.

Cross Bite

Another condition that Invisalign can fix is crossbite. It happens when teeth on the upper jaw sit on the teeth on the lower jaw. It is a combination of an overjet and an underbite. The regular crashing of teeth causes cracks and chips. If left untreated, a crossbite can result in severe gum issues. Many people with this condition try to prevent the teeth from crashing by adjusting the jawbone so that the teeth fit perfectly when you close the mouth. When you wear aligners, they shield the teeth from crashing and gradually move them to the correct position where they do not crash.

Tooth Gaps

Invisalign can also be used to treat tooth gaps. The spaces can stem from poor alignment or accidents that leave you with missing teeth. Spaces in the mouth trap debris and act as breeding grounds for harmful bacteria in the mouth. Luckily, when you were invisible aligners, the appliances moved teeth close to each other, eliminating these spaces, thus preventing oral problems like decay or gum disease that stem from bacterial infections. If gaps are causing you oral concerns, speak to your dentist to know if aligners can fix the problem.

Preparation for an Invisalign Procedure

Clear aligner treatment starts with an extensive initial consultation with your orthodontist. During this consultation, your orthodontist will explain your expectations and the result. They will also give you the timeline for the procedure and address any questions you may have about aligners fixing crooked teeth.

The preparations also include taking dimensional measurements using dental molds that make an impression of your teeth and mouth cavity structure. The impression acts as a blueprint that they refer to when designing aligners.

With today’s technological advancement, many dentists do not use dental molds. Instead, they rely on 3D images to capture the teeth and structure of the mouth. These images are then used to create a projection of the expected treatment.

How Invisalign Works

When aligners are developed, the manufacturer sends them to your dentist, who dispenses them every two weeks when it is believed the teeth have significantly shifted. Aligners are constantly adjusted to ensure persistent and controlled pressure to push teeth to the correct position.

You will make thirty trips for a new set of aligners until you have achieved the results. However, because these appliances are removable, people wear them for varying hours per day, so the timeline for the desired results differs. For maximum results, your dentist encourages you to wear aligners for 22 hours daily.

Having aligners for almost the whole day can be unpleasant. Therefore, you need discipline to wear them for the required duration. Teenagers require monitoring because they can be tempted to remove them for longer hours than desired, failing to achieve the desired outcome. Luckily, you can track compliance using a tracker, especially if your child has undergone the treatment, eliminating the need for supervision.

Benefits of Clear Aligners

One of the reasons you go for Invisalign instead of braces is your aesthetic needs. Metal braces draw a lot of attention, but they are not appealing. Thankfully, you enjoy discretion with clear aligners because the appliances are invisible through the mouth. Therefore, if you are in a profession where aesthetics are paramount or are conscious of your smile, you should consider invisible aligners to solve your crooked teeth problem. Your dentist will give instructions on how to maintain clean aligners.

Aligners are a more comfortable fit than braces, as they are made of smooth plastic that is soothing to the gums. In contrast, traditional metal braces are made of metal brackets joined by wires, which can cause irritation and pain. You can suffer scratches when chewing, resulting in bleeding. Besides, the installation procedure of aligners is painless, and you only experience slight pain in the first few days when the teeth begin to shift. You are less likely to develop mouth sores with aligners because the fixtures are made of plastic material.

Lastly, clear aligners are removable, making the treatment process flexible. You can remove them when eating or performing oral hygiene. This is a significant advantage because you can continue with your normal diet and do not have to avoid certain foods or drinks because of the fixtures. When eating sticky foods or highly staining beverages like red wine, remove the appliances and put them back on after brushing. However, braces are semi-permanent and cannot be removed when brushing or eating. Proper dental hygiene becomes a problem, making your teeth less appealing, which is the problem you wanted to solve initially.

Downsides of Invisalign

While you can use clear aligners to solve your crooked teeth problem, you should know that the treatment has some restrictions. You can only use aligners for minor or moderately crooked teeth. Teeth that are severely affected will require conventional orthodontic procedures like metal braces. Therefore, before deciding to go for aligners to fix crooked teeth, speak to your orthodontist to know if you are eligible.

Another limitation of aligners is that they require discipline to achieve results. Unlike braces, aligners are removable, and it can be tempting to remove them when you feel uncomfortable, which is against the dentist’s instructions. You can only remove them for a total of two to four hours a day. When you exceed this limit, it is against the dentist’s instructions and can lead to prolonged treatment.

Many people remove aligners when eating, drinking, or brushing their teeth, so they tend to assume that they are clean. However, like teeth, they require regular cleaning with lukewarm water to prevent discoloration and staining.

Invisalign Treatment Cost

With the several benefits clear aligners offer over metal braces, the treatment is expensive. In California, you will part with $3,000 to $8,000. You pay this money, which is hefty compared to braces, for a better, more comfortable, and convenient experience. If you are concerned about the cost of treatment, do not consider the cheaper option, which is braces, because the experiences from the two treatments differ significantly. Instead, talk to your dentist about a financing plan that makes the treatment affordable to avoid missing out on this improved experience from Invisalign.

Insurance companies also provide coverage for the procedure. Some insurers will pay up to $1,500, significantly lowering the cost of the procedure. Even with insurance, you can further lower the cost through a bespoke payment plan. Do not let cost discourage you from using aligners for your crooked teeth because the results are worth the investment.

Clear Aligners for Crooked Teeth

For mild or moderate crooked teeth, invisible aligners are perfect for fixing the problem as they are removable, offering flexibility, and are aesthetically appealing and comfortable. Even though the treatment has its downsides, it has proven effective in addressing misalignment problems and giving straighter smiles. When considering the treatment, speak to an experienced orthodontist to understand clear aligners, their benefits, and your eligibility for the procedure.

Find an Experienced Orthodontist Near Me

When crooked teeth are a source of self-consciousness, you should consider dental Invisalign. However, before the treatment, talk to your dentist to establish the gravity of the crooked teeth. If the condition is severe, the treatment is not appropriate. At Lasting Impressions Dental Spa, we will give you a straight and flawless smile through aligners. Contact us at 818-751-5100 to begin the journey of dental alignment in Encino, CA.