Good oral health involves more than just preventing cavities. It includes caring for the fibers, tissues, bones, and mineral-based surfaces that protect and hold the teeth in the jaws. Your oral cavity needs adequate nutrients to stay healthy and strong, just like every other part of the body. For healthy teeth, eat nutrient-rich whole foods low in starch and sugar. You can also follow the United States Department of Agriculture’s nutritional guidelines which specify recommended amounts of dairy, grains, protein, vegetables, and fruits. This blog explores the best foods for teeth and their role in enhancing oral health.

Cacao Nibs

Chocolate is normally considered a comfort food. However, its low sugar content can help cavities by inhibiting plaque buildup on teeth and controlling certain bacteria. A 2009 research study found that antioxidants in cocoa, certain types of coffee, and tea can kill cavity-causing bacteria and prevent plaque from sticking to teeth.

Another study found that a mouthwash made from cocoa beans killed Streptococcus mutans bacteria, which cause cavities, as effectively as a prescription mouthwash. Even better, there was no evidence that it harmed other beneficial oral bacteria.

However, it is important to note that the healthy ingredient is the cacao bean and not the chocolate itself. As such, avoid consuming lighter-colored chocolates that are loaded with sugar. If you have dentures or braces, you should avoid varieties with nuts. Consume chocolates at room temperature to avoid damaging your teeth and rinse your mouth afterward.

Dairy Products

Cheese and butter made from grass-fed cows are rich in Vitamin K2, which is crucial for maintaining dental health. Humans lack the enzymes necessary to convert Vitamin K1 to K2 in their digestive system, while other animals can do this efficiently. Also, do not underestimate the importance of grass-fed animals. Chlorophyll activates an enzyme found only in mammals. So, animals that only eat grains and corn likely will not provide Vit. K2 rich food.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) states that bones and teeth store almost all of the body’s calcium. This calcium helps keep bones and teeth strong and healthy. People who lack sufficient calcium are more likely to lose their teeth. If you enjoy flavored milk drinks occasionally, keep in mind that most contain sugar. Therefore, make sure to read the label before consuming it.

Leafy Greens

Greens contain prebiotics that are beneficial for you and are consumed by healthy bacteria in your mouth. Unlike foods high in carbohydrates, leafy greens help the oral cavity produce more bacteria that reduce nitrates. Consequently, this increases nitrite oxide production which is good for both your oral health.

Leafy greens not only make your teeth feel cleaner but also help maintain a healthy oral microbiome. Darker leafy greens are better for your teeth because they contain abundant minerals that your teeth absorb during remineralization, strengthening their structure. Kale, turnip greens, spinach, arugula, and Swiss chard are all good examples of these beneficial greens.

Oranges and Grapefruits

Although acidic foods can damage teeth, taking oranges, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits in moderation can be beneficial for your dental health. Oranges and grapefruits both contain high levels of Vitamin C, which strengthens connective tissues and blood vessels in the mouth. This nutrient slows down gum inflammation that could otherwise develop into gum disease. A 2005 research study found that people who ate grapefruits daily for two weeks had higher levels of Vitamin C and fewer cases of bleeding gums.


Nuts are very healthy. They are packed with nutrients that your body needs, including minerals, vitamins, fibers, protein, and healthy fats. They are also known to benefit heart health. However, when it comes to oral health, it is important to understand all aspects.

Nuts contain essential nutrients that benefit the teeth. For example, calcium, which is crucial for strong bones and teeth, is abundant in nuts like almonds. Nuts also provide phosphorus, a mineral that strengthens enamel and prevents cavities. Additionally, nuts are rich in protein, which helps build and repair tissues, including gum tissues.

Raw Onions

Onions can help remove bacteria in your mouth that cause cavities and gum disease. However, they cannot help with your breath. Onions, both raw and cooked, have sulfur compounds that kill bacteria. However, cooked onions are not as effective as raw onions.


This contains Allicin, which provides antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Unfortunately, it is the same ingredient that causes garlic breath. Garlic, like shiitake mushrooms, can destroy only harmful oral microbiomes while allowing the beneficial bacteria to survive. People also know garlic can help keep blood pressure levels and heart disease at bay.

Shiitake Mushroom

This type of mushroom contains lentinan, a polysaccharide, a special kind of carbohydrate, that regulates the body’s immunity and breaks down bacteria and plaque in the mouth to promote healthier teeth and gums. To improve your oral health, add shiitake mushrooms to soups, mixed vegetables, and omelets.

Fatty Fish

Because it is so high in Vitamin D, fatty fish is an important part of many healthy diet plans. This nutrient is so important for many body systems, but one benefit that is not well known is that it can lower the risk of tooth decay. Vitamin D, Vitamins A, and K2 all work together to bring calcium to the teeth, which makes the enamel stronger from the inside out. If you do not get enough of these nutrients, your enamel may get weak.

Omega 3s can also be found in fatty fish. Omega 3 fats are good for your gums and may even help prevent and ease the symptoms of periodontitis, a disease that affects about half of all adults in the US. If your gums bleed when you brush or floss, you might want to eat more Omega 3s to stop the inflammation and bleeding. Some of the fish that have the most Vitamin D and Omega 3s are tuna, mackerel, salmon, and trout.

Green Tea

When bacteria feed on sugar in your mouth, they make acids that wear away tooth enamel. Polyphenols in green tea work against the bacteria that cause plaque by killing or slowing them down. Because it lowers the acidity of saliva and plaque on teeth, it can also help keep cavities away.

Green tea is good for your teeth because it has catechin in it, which is an antioxidant that can lower inflammation in the body. It can also help lower the risk of periodontal disease, which hurts the gums and the bone that holds your teeth in place. This will improve the health of your teeth and gums as a whole.


One may wonder how strawberries can be good for your teeth when they are sweet and sour and often turn things red. However, malic acid, found in strawberries, is a natural teeth whitener. So, eating strawberries can help keep your teeth white. If you eat strawberry seeds, they might get stuck between your teeth, so be sure to floss afterward.


Some people believe that eating apples will damage your teeth’s enamel because they are acidic. However, apples contain natural sugars that help neutralize the acids in your mouth. Additionally, apples are rich in vitamins that keep your gums healthy and stimulate the production of saliva which neutralizes harmful bacteria and acids.


Cinnamon has long been cherished for its healing properties, warm aroma, and flavor. It comes from the dried bark of various trees in the Cinnamomum genus. The bark, fruits, flowers, and leaves of these trees are also used to produce cinnamon essential oils. Research suggests that some compounds in cinnamon can reduce inflammation, and eliminate germs.

Cinnamon’s flavonoids fight inflammation, reduce swelling, and ease tooth pain. They can also soothe sore gums, which is particularly beneficial for teething babies. Inflammation of the gums is known as gingivitis. It can be painful and lead to a more serious form of gum disease called periodontal disease. Porphyromonas gingivalis, the bacterium that causes gum disease and gingivitis, cannot grow when cinnamon bark oil is present.

Research has shown that cinnamon can help fight against certain bacteria causing bad breath and tooth decay. Cinnamaldehyde, the active compound in cinnamon, combats bacteria that cause gum disease. Cinnamon also contains other chemicals that fight bacteria by breaking down their cell walls and inhibiting cell division, thus preventing bacterial growth.


Mint benefits your teeth by naturally killing germs. It destroys bacteria in the oral cavity that could otherwise cause tooth decay. When you chew mint leaves, you do not add sugar, which bacteria need to grow. This prevents any remaining bacteria from thriving.

Additionally, chewing mint leaves promotes dental health by increasing saliva production. Saliva has an important role in dental health. It helps to maintain and build the health of oral tissues. When there is a reduction in saliva flow, you can develop oral infections and cavities.

Mint enhances the flow of stimulated saliva which is more beneficial for teeth than unstimulated saliva. Stimulated saliva has higher levels of bicarbonate, an important buffering or neutralizing system that counters acid production in the mouth. Due to its increased mineral content and higher pH, saliva becomes more effective at:

  • Protecting against acid attacks (which occur when consuming acidic foods and drinks)
  • Actively remineralizing the enamel

Lean Protein

Lean protein is rich in phosphorus, an essential nutrient for tooth strength and cavity prevention. Foods with a low glycemic index, such as lean beef, chicken, fish, eggs, and legumes, help prevent plaque and cavities. Lean proteins, which have low sugar levels, provide another natural way to fight cavities by preventing bacteria from feeding on sugar.

Lean proteins contain essential minerals and vitamins, such as magnesium and calcium, which strengthen enamel and prevent tooth erosion. Consuming a few ounces of lean protein daily can help maintain healthy teeth by preventing potential dental issues.

Whole Grains

Simple carbohydrates can stick to teeth and worsen cavities, but whole grains have a different effect. Whole grain options include brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread and pasta, and other whole grains. These contain complex carbohydrates that bacteria find harder to digest. Additionally, they provide many nutrients that promote healthy teeth and gums.

Best Practices to Use Along With a Healthy Diet For Good Dental Health

Eating a variety of healthy foods can help keep your mouth healthy and reduce inflammation. However, there are some tips you can follow along with a healthy and balanced diet to achieve optimal results. These tips include:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste
  • Floss at least once or twice a day. Flossing and brushing daily is crucial for maintaining healthy gums and preventing gum disease. They help to remove food debris between teeth and avoid bad breath
  • Use a tongue scraper to remove bacteria from your tongue
  • Use a good alcohol-free mouthwash to rinse your mouth
  • Remember to hydrate regularly. This will naturally rinse out food debris and plaque from your oral cavity and stimulate saliva production
  • Reduce your intake of acidic or sugary foods and beverages
  • Limit your snack intake, particularly sugary treats
  • Avoid sticky and chewy foods such as dried fruit and candies. These can remain in contact with your teeth encouraging the formation of plaque

Lastly, see a dentist at least once every 6 months for professional dental cleaning sessions and routine checkups. Doing this will also ensure that any dental problems are discovered and treated early. A good dentist will review your health history and identify any connections between your nutrition, dental condition, and health. They can also monitor you for oral cancer and advise you on how to prevent and treat oral problems.

Find an Encino Dental Clinic Near Me

Your diet plays a significant role in determining whether you have a healthy smile or need frequent dental visits. Consuming a healthy diet is just as important as maintaining good oral hygiene practices, like brushing and flossing your teeth. Consuming a diverse diet, including fruits, vegetables, protein-rich foods, calcium-rich foods, and whole grains, helps keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong.

At Lasting Impression Dental Spa, we have years of experience handling dental issues. Our dentists can assist you in determining which foods to include and exclude from your diet for a beautiful, healthy smile. We also provide regular dental checkups and examinations in Encino. Call us today at 818-751-5100 to learn more about how different foods affect your oral health.